Saturday, July 30, 2016

Nobody Can Hear You Apply In Space

Yep, it's update time. I'm in SoCal and loving it - except for the one, tricky little part of not having a job. Not loving that. Do have an internship I enjoy a lot; I'm responsible, dependable, and feel I have a pretty good standing there! Sadly, all good things come to an end, and this was always a short experience gig that was meant, and still scheduled to end, come August.

Money is sort of, kind of, maybe a big deal to living, but especially for California.

So! I'm on the hunt for drawing jobs - illustration, storyboarding, children's books, concepts, character design, even animation! I've dabbled in all of it, and am confident in my abilities, but especially sure of my ability to grow. The big thing is finding the right match: I want to devote myself to a project of passion, but with also room to grow, opportunity to branch out, and room for a little fun.

I'm ready to work hard, I just have to find my niche. Any ideas, while I look?

An older Mabel Pines takes the scenic (jobless) route

Portfolio Site:

Email: (if coming from here)

Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Goals

  1. Go full steamed-veggie ahead on vegetarian (semi-vegan?) diet by February 1st
  2. Rekindle that spark for job-hunting, full-time
  3. Through classes, internship, or even just posting stories, get art going!
  4. Get "crafty" (knitting, perhaps)
  5. Follow up on French lessons
  6. New hair in spring (back to pink)
  7. Monthly weigh session
  8. Monthly blog post (blogger)
  9. See ALL the movies I want to see (Zootopia, Captain America: Civil War, for starters)
  10. Launch portfolio and/or art website.
Invest, invest, invest for 2016! Get busy, get active, get artsy! 

What are your plans?

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Call me Toni!

Welcome to my gallery blog. I don't know how you got here, but I hope you enjoy your visit. What's here? A hodgepodge of realized works, some messy and some less, that I do from day to day and am particularly happy to showcase. This includes works for school, clients, and portfolio work. Once in a while I'll probably include some writing - who doesn't like writing? Don't answer that. Good grief.

Anyway, here's some small, pop-trivia things about me:

  • I'm almost twenty-four, and a January baby (sun sign in Capricorn, baby)
  • I like long walks, mystery podcasts, and reading the backs of cereal boxes
  • Leather jackets are the bees knees (this is totally about me)
  • I'm learning a few languages
  • I wrote my first story, with pictures and everything, at around age eight (or so)
  • I've had a myriad of other dream jobs based on other (non-art) interests: teacher, astronomer, biologist, marine biologist, author, and even a language specialist for the military
  • That said, if you wonder what my other likes and hobbies are, basing them around the above will usually lead to a good guess!
  • I consider myself agnostic and open to learning about pretty much any religion
  • I can cry at almost any scene in any movie ever
  • Tofu is delicious. This is also about ME.