Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Goals

  1. Go full steamed-veggie ahead on vegetarian (semi-vegan?) diet by February 1st
  2. Rekindle that spark for job-hunting, full-time
  3. Through classes, internship, or even just posting stories, get art going!
  4. Get "crafty" (knitting, perhaps)
  5. Follow up on French lessons
  6. New hair in spring (back to pink)
  7. Monthly weigh session
  8. Monthly blog post (blogger)
  9. See ALL the movies I want to see (Zootopia, Captain America: Civil War, for starters)
  10. Launch portfolio and/or art website.
Invest, invest, invest for 2016! Get busy, get active, get artsy! 

What are your plans?